Sunday 25 November 2007

Lib Dems holds leadership husting in Harrow

Liberal Democrats leadership candidates Nick Clegg and Chris Hunhe took part in a webcast hustings in Harrow Campus, University of Westminster.

During the 50 minute hustings, each candidate had a 2 minute individual speech before answering questions selected from those emailed in by party members.

The debate contained four sections, respectively about Foreign, Green and Home Affairs, Pubic Services, Personal Values, and Party Management.

As a member of the crew from the University's School of Media, Arts and Design, I'm quite excited to have such a great opportunity to put my skills into practice, while getting involved with local political affairs.

From my point of view, Mr Huhne took most out of the hustings, expressed himself well and seemed to have maturer policies than Mr Clegg. But one thing is in common. They both said that they want to break the current two-party system.

Ballot papers for the leadership election have already been sent to the party's 70,000 members, and the result is due to be announced on December 17.

No matter who wins the election, he will surely face a difficult job to guide the Liberal Democrats to their promised land.

1 comment:

sakulsri said...

what a good chance you had!!
and I think you did it well!!
Keep on!!...grab more chance!